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Death Row 4

The Death Penalty: A Failure of Justice

The death penalty is never acceptable, and every execution constitutes an extreme violation of the right to life. The violation is exacerbated when judgements are passed after an unfair judicial process.
On the fourth World Day Against the Death Penalty, AI and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty are highlighting failures of justice in the sentencing and implementation of the Death penalty.
Discrimination, unfair trials, judicial error, the execution of child offenders and those suffering from mental disabilities all amount to a failure of justice; and provide more compelling reasons to abolish the death penalty.


The Death Penalty Disregards Mental Illness

The execution of those with mental illness or "the insane" is clearly prohibited by international law. Virtually every country in the world prohibits the execution of people with mental illness.

U.S. Constitutional law is in line with some of these international safeguards, but does not go far enough. The execution of the insane – someone who does not understand the reason for, or the reality of, his or her punishment - violates the U.S. Constitution (Ford v. Wainwright, 1986). The Ford decision left the determination of sanity up to each state. Constitutional protections for those with other forms of mental illness are minimal, however, and numerous prisoners have been executed despite suffering from serious mental illness.

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